Eva Fisher
Nursing Director
It is true that most of the clients that we see at LivingWell are women. However, providing Sexually Transmitted Disease and Infection (STD and STI) testing and education provides us with the opportunity to speak with the men in our community as well.
Conversations about STDs are not usually high on the list of topics that most men want to talk about. But no matter how uncomfortable this subject may be, contracting an STD is a reality many men are confronted with. At LivingWell, we are here to assist men and women who are faced with the reality of their circumstances.
At 19 years old, Drew said he heard about LivingWell through his school and through an internet search. Our sexual health program in our area schools is one avenue we reach into the lives of young people before they become sexually active. I was encouraged that Drew remembered LivingWell from one of our school presentations.
Drew came to us because he was concerned that a previous partner had tested positive for chlamydia. Although it had been over two months since his last sexual encounter, the worry about chlamydia persisted. In the past he had occasionally used condoms but relied on his partners for birth control.
I educated Drew about all STDs using our iPad presentation and answered many questions he had about HSV 1 and 2, shedding of viruses, and stressed that condom use never eliminates the risk entirely to avoid pregnancy and contracting an STD. In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states, “The only way to avoid STDs is to not have v******, a***, or o*** sex.”
We then spoke about setting boundaries around his sexual health and what that would look like. I shared with Drew about the five parts which make up each human being: the spiritual, physical, intellectual, creative, and emotional. I then stressed the importance of developing other non-sexual areas within himself and any future partner before engaging in sex. The point of this conversation was to underscore the importance of getting to know the other person before becoming sexually involved.
Our conversation progressed to talking about abstinence and monogamy. He said that truth be told, sex was not as “great” as his friends made it out to be, and he was sorry “he wasted it” on somebody he didn’t love. I commended him on his insight about sex, in addition to leaning into the grace that brought him here to LivingWell.
Upon viewing the presentation of the STD education, Drew commented that he did not want to risk contracting an STD. Further conversation led to Drew rededicating himself to abstinence until marriage.
What really impacted me during our meeting was that Drew was receptive and paying attention to everything I was sharing with him.
It was obvious to me that he was taking this appointment and conversation seriously.
I am so blessed I had the opportunity to talk with Drew about his sexual behavior and to encourage him to consider healthy lifestyle choices and to build a relationship with him should he or a friend need help in the case of an unexpected pregnancy.
Conversations about STDs can be embarrassing, awkward, and something most young people would rather ignore and hope for the best.
Because of your support, Drew made a commitment for abstinence and I had an opportunity to speak to him about other life decisions. YOU made this conversation possible. Thank you for partnering with us in this life-affirming ministry.
Note – Photos throughout this newsletter of clients may not have been clients considering an abortion and may not be the client in the story.