The Power of One Person’s Impact by Cathy Seapy, CEO
In an ever-changing political and social environment, we’re asked in different ways, “What is an effective, tangible way I can help those facing unexpected pregnancies and protect life?” It’s so easy to get caught up in the media’s portrayal of the news, we forget how powerful one person’s impact can be… Click for more
A Courageous Choice by Char Andrews, Client Services Director
It has been a difficult year for Holly. Her 97-year-old grandmother, who had served as a mother figure in her life, died earlier in the year. COVID has brought additional challenges in obtaining childcare and btaining childcare and attending church. Finding herself pregnant again was a cause for concern for Holly… Click for more
Ministering to Both the Woman and Her Partner by Carla Kliever, Client Advocate
Eden came in for a scheduled pregnancy test while her partner, Joel, waited in the car with their dog until someone called him in for the test results. Eden knew what an abortion entailed. Her first pregnancy ended in abortion… Click for more
Rededication to Abstinence by Eva Fisher, Nursing Director
It is true that most of the clients that we see at LivingWell are women. However, providing Sexually Transmitted Disease and Infection (STD and STI) testing and education provides us with the opportunity to speak with the men in our community as well. Conversations about STDs are not usually high on the list of topics that most men want to talk about… Click for more
A Mighty Endeavor Needs…You by Elizabeth White, Advancement Director
What if you were to wake up each morning and know—beyond a shadow of a doubt—God had chosen you to take part in a mighty, world-changing endeavor? What would it be like to have the Creator of the entire universe put His arm around your shoulder and say, “I need you. Let’s get started!” Maybe this sounds like a fictional, fairy-tale…. Click for more
Save the Date – Fall Banquet – October 6, 2021
Mark your calendar for October 6, 2021 when we are joined by David Williams, keynote speaker, at the annual LivingWell fundraising banquet. During his 10 years on staff with Cru, David served as a chaplain for the Cincinnati Bengals. David is a champion for the unborn, a minister of compassion to men and women in crisis due to an unplanned pregnancy, and an instrument of healing and grace to those, men in particular, who are hurting from a past abortion. Watch your email communication for more details regarding this event.