Stepping Out
Everyone has a comfort zone. It’s an invisible line that we draw in our minds of what we will and won’t do in our day-to-day lives. There are some experiences in life that certain groups of people just won’t do. The most common hesitation that stops people from stepping into something new is fear of failure or embarrassment. However, branching out of your comfort zone can be good for you! Here are three main benefits of leaving your comfort zone.
1) Achieving New Goals
It can be hard to set a goal that you know will be difficult to achieve. Stepping out of your comfort zone is doing just that. Depending on who you are, these goals will look different for you. It can be something as simple as taking a few steps into the ocean when you’ve always been afraid of it. Whatever it may be, setting and reaching those goals can raise your self-confidence and encourage you to set a new one. The more goals you achieve, the more you’ll be motivated to set.
2) Chances to Grow
One of the main reasons that people hesitate to leave the safety of their comfort zone is fear of failure. They don’t want to branch out just to utterly flop at what they branched out for in the first place. Don’t let this be a deterrent for you! Failure can teach you new lessons and show you how to do better the next time around. The more mistakes you make, the more lessons you learn.
3) Learning New Skills
Speaking of learning, leaving your comfort zone can push you into learning a new skill or two. Maybe you will try something new and find out that you really enjoy it. Your comfort zone can limit you from entering a vast creativity of hobbies. You never know until you try! Not only that, but it can also help you meet new people and find a supportive community for yourself.
Don’t Settle
Some people prefer to live a more regular 9-5 life, and that’s okay! There’s nothing wrong with having a preference. However, if you don’t prefer that kind of lifestyle and want to try something new, don’t ever feel like you have to settle. Branching out and leaving your comfort zone can bring new experiences, lessons, and people into your life that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. You won’t regret moving past your fears and stepping into something new.
How We Can Help
If you have found yourself unexpectedly pushed out of your comfort zone when facing an STD or an unplanned pregnancy, we are here to help. To schedule your free and confidential appointment click here, call us at (530)-272-6800, or text us at (530)-802-0858.
Sources and Links
Kent, Jessica. Is It Time to Leave Your Comfort Zone? How Leaving Can Spark Positive Change. Harvard Division of Continuing Education. May 2023.
Brenner, Abigall. 5 Benefits of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone. Psychology Today. December 2015.

Cathy Seapy
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