1. Express yourself
Take time to express yourself in a journal. Many times when you write down your thoughts, it can clarify how you really feel about a situation whether it is a relationship, problem, or goal. Getting your thoughts onto paper can make it easier to think through issues or situations you are facing and come up with a solution. Sometimes just clearing your head helps you resolve things that are bothering you and make changes. And looking back on your past journal entries, you can see how far you have progressed on your goals.
2. Stop the comparisons
Have you ever thought about the fact that there is only one you? Think about all the things that make you unique and special. Are you quiet and reflective? Are you adventurous? Outgoing? Do you have a great sense of humor? This self assessment can also bring to light if you are being true to who you really are. When you appreciate the wonderfulness of how you are put together, you bring that into all your relationships.
3. Evaluate your relationships
Are your current relationships healthy? We choose the people that we hang out with. Are you spending time with people who respect you and bring out the best in you? Or do you find yourself changing your personality to be accepted by others? Have you become “comfortable” yet know that it is time to move on? Relationships based upon a need for attention, acceptance, sexual gratification, or security often will end and usually with a lot of pain and heartache in the process. Evaluate your relationships to see if it might be time to establish some new friendships or stay with the ones you have.
4. Try something new
We aren’t suggesting you go sky-diving ~ unless of course that is something you have always wanted to do. What we are suggesting is that you might broaden your horizons and try something that sounds interesting. Whether this is finding a new hobby, starting an exercise program, or checking something off your bucket list, trying something you have never done before serves to make you a well-rounded and interesting individual. You never know, but that new hobby may be something that might affect your future career goals.
5. Look up
With the ease of social media and constant communication at our fingertips, sometimes we forget to look up from our phones and appreciate the people who are in our lives or even the beauty of a sunset. We’ve all heard the saying, “take time to smell the roses.” Learn to enjoy the people and things in your life that often get taken for granted.
Let us know some of your new year’s resolutions, and how you are progressing. We always love to hear from you.