Maybe you’ve already made up your mind. You want an abortion. So why would someone suggest you have an ultrasound?
There are solid reasons to have an ultrasound before going forward with an abortion. Here are four reasons to consider.
1. Ultrasounds diagnose ectopic pregnancies.
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg implants somewhere other than the uterus. In an ectopic pregnancy, the egg most often implants in the fallopian tube (a tubal pregnancy), but it can also implant inside the ovary, in the abdominal cavity or on the cervix. Ectopic pregnancies cannot continue. The baby continues to grow in a space not designed for carrying a baby. Continuing the pregnancy could destroy an ovary or a fallopian tube and cause life-threatening blood loss for the mother.
A pregnancy test cannot detect an ectopic pregnancy. The only way to confirm this is with an ultrasound. If you have an ectopic pregnancy and follow through with an abortion procedure, the abortion will not be complete. The baby would continue to grow and pose serious risks to you.
2. Ultrasounds confirm viability.
A viable pregnancy means that there is a heartbeat and the baby is alive. According to the Mayo Clinic, 10-20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. An ultrasound can determine if your pregnancy is viable. If the ultrasound doesn’t detect a heartbeat, then you don’t need to endure the health risks of an abortion.
3. Ultrasounds determine gestational age.
The gestational age is how far along in your pregnancy you are. Certain abortion procedures are not recommended for certain stages of pregnancy. It is very important to know exactly how far along you are in your pregnancy before having an abortion.
4. Ultrasounds help you be fully informed.
We want you to be fully informed before making any decision. And having an ultrasound will help you make a fully-informed choice.
At LivingWell, we can provide you with a limited OB ultrasound at no cost to you. We also provide a safe place for you to get all the facts before deciding. Please call us to schedule an appointment. All our services are confidential, and we are committed to serving you with kindness and compassion, no matter what decision you ultimately make.

Eva Fisher
Nursing Director
The content on this page has been reviewed and approved by our Nursing Director.