1.) I already bought a pregnancy test. Why do I need to come in and be tested with you?
LivingWell pregnancy testing is community funded and confidential. Our lab quality tests are used by many physicians and hospitals and have greater than 99% accuracy. Home pregnancy tests are usually accurate, but typically with a lesser percentage of accuracy. If your test with us is positive, we can schedule an ultrasound to determine the viability of your pregnancy, confirm it is in your uterus, confirm cardiac activity, and determine your due date. These are the first important steps you’ll need to take to start considering your options for your best possible future.
2.) I had sex last night and I think the condom broke. Can I come in today for a pregnancy test?
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is the glycoprotein hormone produced by the developing placenta shortly after fertilization. In normal pregnancy, hCG can be detected in both urine and serum as early as 7 to 10 days after conception. For the most accurate result of your pregnancy test, waiting at least 7 days after intercourse would be your best course of action. We are happy to schedule an appointment for you now.
3.) Can I just come in to the pregnancy center whenever, or do I need an appointment?
We welcome walk-in appointments. However, scheduling an appointment now will assure you no waiting time when you arrive.
4.) How long does an appointment last?
We schedule anywhere from 45 to 60 minutes for each appointment. This helps us get to know you so we can determine how to best help you.
5.) Do I need to bring anything with me to an appointment?
To protect your confidentiality, you’ll need to bring your valid photo ID. A driver’s license or student ID will work.
6.) Can I bring a friend or family member with me to the pregnancy center?
We understand needing friends and family during times like this. Feel free to bring someone along. We will get you started in your appointment alone and then include them in the process when appropriate.
7.) I think I’m pregnant, but I’m on the pill. What should I do?
Even though it’s rare, it is possible to get pregnant on the pill. If you have recently been prescribed and taken an antibiotic your birth control pill can be ineffective. It’s important to know if you are pregnant, so you should definitely come in for testing.
8.) How can I go see a doctor if I don’t have any insurance?
There are options available for people who need care even if they don’t have insurance. LivingWell pregnancy center will provide you with community funded pregnancy testing. If it’s positive, we can perform an ultrasound and provide a pregnancy verification form that can be used to apply for free or low cost state or federal assistance.
9.) Can I come in for a free ultrasound to find out the sex of my baby?
The purpose of the ultrasounds we offer is to confirm the viability of a pregnancy after a positive pregnancy test. We don’t provide ultrasounds to determine the sex of the baby. Typically the sex of the baby can be determined at 16 to 17 weeks. There are companies, such as Sonotech Ultrasound of Roseville, who offer entertainment ultrasound packages; one of their packages will tell you the sex of your baby.
10.) What does “after abortion assistance” mean?
The process of recovering from an abortion is different for everyone. LivingWell offers sensitive and confidential support for women who have terminated one or more pregnancies and men who have been involved with an abortion, whether it was a recent abortion or many years ago. Abortion can affect our emotions, behaviors, or our physical wellness. We explore and address each area of our well-being that may have been affected by an abortion experience. Please contact us if you have questions about our after abortion assistance.
11.) If I’ve already had an abortion, what can you do to help me?
LivingWell pregnancy center is here no matter what choices you’ve made. Sometimes that just means listening. We want to offer what you need to heal and find hope for a new day. Simply call or email to learn what that might look like for you.
12.) Can I get a Pap smear at LivingWell pregnancy center?
We don’t provide that kind of medical testing, but we can refer you to some of the finest care facilities in the area and get you on your way to good health and peace of mind.
13.) Can I come in and get tested for STDs?
LivingWell pregnancy center offers community funded STD testing. If you think you may be at risk we recommend refraining from any sexual contact until you have been tested. Please contact us to talk about testing options or to schedule an appointment.
14.) How do I know if I’ve been exposed to a STD?
If you have had contact with someone else’s genitals (oral, anal, vaginal sex or even outercourse), you may have put yourself at risk of contracting an STD/STI. It’s really that simple.
15.) What’s the difference between a STD and a STI?
STD stands for “sexually transmitted disease.” STI stands for “sexually transmitted infection.” STD is the term more frequently used in the medical community, but STI is more often used in the media.
16.) Can a condom protect me from a STD?
Condoms can only reduce the chance of infection with STDs like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Herpes and HPV are spread through skin-to-skin contact. If there is even the smallest Herpes sore or HPV spores located outside of where the condom covers, that condom offers no protection.
17.) Can I get the morning-after pill at LivingWell?
LivingWell doesn’t offer the morning-after pill, or Plan B. However, we can provide evidence based information regarding how the morning after pill works. It’s important for you to rule out pregnancy from any previous sexual activity prior to taking the morning after pill, so if that’s a possibility for you, schedule an appointment today.
18.) Can I get birth control at LivingWell?
Although we don’t provide or refer for contraceptives, we offer a comprehensive presentation on all FDA approved contraceptives. It is important for your health that you make an informed decision.
19.) I was at a party last night and when I woke up this morning I felt like someone might have taken advantage of me sexually. What do I do now?
No matter what the circumstances were, rape or sexual assault it is NEVER the victim’s fault. For both your physical and emotional health you need to seek immediate professional help. Sierra Nevada Hospital is equipped to process rape and sexual assault victims. For best results, do not shower or bathe, go directly to the emergency department. Once an outcome is determined, if you need pregnancy and STD testing, we are here for you. Call us to schedule an appointment.
20.) I don’t live near Grass Valley, CA. Where can I go to find a pregnancy center near me?
Pregnancy Decision Line is available by calling 800.395.4357 or going to www.pregnancydecisionline.org and searching for a center in your area that can assist you.