If you’re considering making an appointment at a pregnancy clinic, it may feel overwhelming if you aren’t sure what to expect. Most women and men feel worried that if they visit a pregnancy clinic, they will be judged for their current circumstances and choices, or even that their privacy or personal beliefs will be violated.
At LivingWell Medical Clinic, we want you to know that none of those worries or concerns are an issue when you make an appointment with us. We provide confidential, compassionate care and help to women and men who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy.
At our clinic, you will receive non-judgmental support in your pregnancy decision, and all of our services are available free of charge. Keep reading to learn to get a look at what an appointment with our staff looks like so you can know what to expect. Then call or visit us online to schedule your free and confidential appointment.
Pregnancy Verification
When considering your pregnancy options, verifying your pregnancy with a healthcare professional is your first step. At LivingWell Medical Clinic, we provide free, lab quality pregnancy tests with over 99% accuracy to any woman who thinks she could be pregnant.
You will also meet with one of our non-judgmental and compassionate client advocates who can help you determine what the next step in your pregnancy is in a safe and confidential environment. They will process the results of your pregnancy test with you, listen to your story, and provide you with the free education and resources you need.
Limited Obstetrical Ultrasounds
Getting an ultrasound is an important step for women in confirming their pregnancy. We offer free limited obstetrical ultrasounds after you receive a positive result with a lab quality pregnancy test. The purpose of the limited obstetrical ultrasound is to determine the viability of your pregnancy by confirming it is in your uterus (ruling out an ectopic pregnancy, which requires immediate medical attention) and that there is cardiac activity.
We will also determine your due date, but not determine the gender of the baby. All of this information is extremely valuable when faced with making a pregnancy decision. Getting a lab quality pregnancy test and a limited obstetrical ultrasound are the first steps you can take in making informed choices for your health. For more information on ultrasounds and to schedule an appointment with us, give us a call.
Pregnancy Options Consultation
When you find out that you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, it can feel overwhelming. You might feel like you have no one to talk to who understands or can help you. That is why we exist at LivingWell, to be a safe place for you, no matter what your story may be. When it comes to unplanned pregnancies, it is very normal to have questions or feel many different emotions.
We are dedicated to taking time to get to know you and understand your circumstances. We know that each unplanned pregnancy is different, and we want to help you leave our office feeling educated about all of your options so you can make the choice that is best for you.
During an options consultation, you’ll have the chance to speak with one of our client advocates about what abortion, adoption or parenting might look like for your situation. This service is free to all of our clients and completely confidential. We want to provide you with a safe place to process your thoughts in confidence.
Services for Men
At LivingWell, we are also committed to supporting and helping men who may be experiencing a partner’s unplanned pregnancy or are concerned about STIs. We understand that this may feel like an awkward subject that you may not want to talk about, but we are here to provide men with accurate and helpful information.
Whether you have questions about supporting your partner’s pregnancy and what your rights as a man are in an unplanned pregnancy, or you need to test for and treat an STI, please call our office at 530.272.6800 to talk to one of our client advocates or healthcare professionals.
Additional Resources
Before your appointment is over, if there are any additional resources or services you need or would like to learn about, our staff and client advocates are here to help you. LivingWell offers free various pregnancy services, from proof of pregnancy verification, support for fathers, STI testing, material support, community education programs, and much more. Feel free to ask our staff any questions you may have about additional resources, or visit our website to learn more about the free services we have to offer you.
Schedule Your Appointment Today
We hope that this blog has helped answer any questions or concerns you may have had about what an appointment looks like at our clinic. At LivingWell Medical Clinic, we are committed to providing you with the care and support you need to navigate your pregnancy, whether it is planned or unplanned.
All of our clinic services are free and confidential, and you will be greeted by our non-judgemental staff and client advocates who are committed to helping you. To schedule your free appointment at our clinic, give us a call at 530.272.6800 or visit us online. We would love to meet you.

Eva Fisher
Nursing Director
The content on this page has been reviewed and approved by our Nursing Director.