If you have ever had an abortion, you may feel alone with the memories of your experience. You may have taken all of those complicated feelings surrounding your decision and stuffed them down, hoping they would someday just go away. But they haven’t.
Did you know that approximately one third of American women will have an abortion at some point in their life? Yet, most never talk about it and struggle silently with their decision. If this sounds familiar, we want you to know that you aren’t alone, and that we’re here to listen and to help you begin the healing journey.
During our weekend HOPE Retreat, we gather as a small group of 5-8 who have experienced the struggle with an abortion decision. Together we will process painful thoughts and emotions like guilt, anger, unforgiveness, regret, or depression. Healing, restored joy and hope are possible!
For upcoming HOPE Retreat Dates please call 530.272.6800
Registration Fee: These retreats are complimentary and are sponsored by our generous donors who want you to experience freedom and hope.
Registration Deadline: Two weeks prior to the retreat date
Location: The retreats are held at a confidential location in Nevada County to respect your privacy
The content on this page has been reviewed by our Medical Director Neva Monigatti-Lake
– M.D