While every woman’s body reacts a little differently, there are some common warning signs you might be pregnant. These signs aren’t a sure-fired signal that a baby is on the way, and there may be other causes for any of these symptoms. In fact, with some of them you may feel like you’re about to begin your period. But, when combined they can be a pretty good indicator that you might be in the early stages of pregnancy. Of course, a pregnancy test and/or an ultrasound is the only fool proof way to know for sure if you’re pregnant. So if you’re experiencing these 8 warning signs, you might want to schedule an appointment at LivingWell for a test just to make sure.
8 Warning Signs You Might Be Pregnant
This is probably the first sign that triggers the thought that you might be pregnant. If you have consistent periods and miss one, you may even take a test before you notice any of the other symptoms, or at least connect them to a potential pregnancy. And if you’re period is irregular or you aren’t keeping track, you may notice some of the other symptoms before you realize you’re late.
Spotting and/or Cramping
Abdominal cramping, similar to menstrual cramps, and light spotting can be a sign that an embryo has implanted in the uterus. This will happen about a week after conception, and a week before you would normally have your period. These aren’t as common as some other signs, so not having them doesn’t mean that you aren’t pregnant. But if you do experience them, especially in conjunction with other signs, you might want to take a test.
Sore Breasts
You know how your breasts feel before your period? This is kind of like that, only more. This soreness comes as your body changes and starts to prepare for its milk-making role.
If you seem to spend more time in the restroom than anywhere else, you might be pregnant. Of course other things can cause this as well, but frequent urination is another sign the body is experiencing the changes of pregnancy. As hormones change, and blood flow through the kidneys increases, so does the need to pee. Unfortunately, you’ll have to get used to this as it probably isn’t going away during your pregnancy.
Did you eat a little too much, or did your jeans shrink in the wash? Maybe it’s just your period, or maybe you’re pregnant. If it’s pregnancy, this one can also be tied to your body making changes to support a growing baby by slowing down your digestion so your body gets more nutrients from the food you eat.
If you start smelling EVERY. LITTLE. THING, things you never noticed before, that’s a sign you might be pregnant. Unfortunately, this sign often leads to the next one.
All those smells, that queasy feeling. It’s called morning sickness, but it can happen anytime. The good news, it usually only lasts the first 3 months. For some it can last longer, and some lucky women never experience this one at all.
Food Cravings
It’s not always pickles. But almost all expecting moms will have some craving. Sometimes it’s a favorite food, sometimes one you normally don’t even like. It’s also common for pregnant women to have aversions to foods they typically love. Most of the time, these aversions will keep you from eating food you probably shouldn’t be eating anyway.
Again, each woman is different, and not every woman will experience the same signs. Some will have them all, some only a few. But, if you start experiencing a few of these together, it may be time to pick up the phone and schedule a visit for a free test and consultation with our staff at LivingWell. We’ll confirm if you are pregnant and help you work through your options for your next steps.

Neva Monigatti-Lake
Medical Director
The content on this page has been reviewed and approved by our Medical Director.